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Thread 161 from /f/.
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AI image
166517853868.png [S] ( 366.53KB , 512x512 , SD0_100_25_2222....png )
161 AI image

/#/ 161 []

AI image
prompt "portrait of a girl, by Sally Mann and bouguereau and Albert Lynch"
100 iterations
scale 25
seed 2222

>> Anonymous /#/ 163 [X]
166523991075.png [S] ( 436.16KB , 512x512 , SD0_75_15_67999...png )
prompt "portrait of a girl, wavy red hair, blue eyes, red lips, by Sally Mann and bouguereau and Albert Lynch"
75 iterations
scale 15
seed 679999749

>> Anonymous /#/ 164 [X]
166524001751.png [S] ( 383.17KB , 512x512 , SD0_75_15_79454...png )
prompt "portrait of a girl, curly hair, bright red lips, by Sally Mann and bouguereau and Albert Lynch"
75 iterations
scale 15
seed 794540304

>> Anonymous /#/ 165 [X]
I think AI is going to turn the porn industry on its head once it becomes more unlocked.

>> Anonymous /#/ 167 [X]
Which AI are you using to generate these?

>> Anonymous /#/ 170 [X]
166761914175.png [S] ( 400.00KB , 512x512 , 00651-134248553...png )
anime naked emma watson

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